bus accident with truck

5 Ways a Bus Accident Lawyer Can Help You

If you were injured in an accident that involved a bus, you may be wondering if you have a personal injury case. You should speak with an attorney to learn if you have a legitimate case, and you will also find out how they can help you through the personal injury claims process. Here are 5 ways a bus accident lawyer can help you:

1. Confirm If You Have a Valid Claim

bus accidentThe most important thing a bus accident lawyer can help you with is confirming if your case is valid. Once you set up a free case review with one of our attorneys, they will listen to your story about how you were involved in an accident with a bus. After asking some questions pertaining to your situation, the lawyer will be able to tell you if you have a legitimate personal injury claim.

2. Investigate the Accident

After the attorney tells you that your claim is valid and you decide you want to work with them, the team will start investigating your accident. They will interview you, anyone who was with you in the vehicle, and any other witnesses to the accident. If your vehicle was damaged, then you should arrange to obtain a written estimate for its repair.

3. Collect Relevant Documentation

person taking picture of a car accident on their phoneAs part of the investigation process, bus accident lawyers will collect any relevant documentation that is necessary to your claim. They will get copies of your medical bills and receipts and any other kind of documentation needed. If you took pictures or videos at the scene of the accident, they will want copies of them. By collecting this type of documentation, they will be better prepared to present the necessary evidence needed to prove the other party was at fault, and to show the nature and extent of your damages.

4. Determine Your Compensation

Another way one of our accident lawyers can help is determining how much compensation you deserve. All of your medical bills will be factored into the amount of money you are owed, as well as the value assigned to vehicle damage, but there are other considerations that go into how much money you deserve. If you lost wages after your accident or endured significant pain and suffering, these will also be factored into your compensation amount. Experienced attorneys like ours will be able to come up with a fair amount you deserve.

5. Negotiate With Insurance Adjusters

lawyer and clientOne major way our bus accident lawyers can help you is by negotiating with insurance adjusters. Most people have never had to deal with insurance adjusters when it comes to claims, so they don’t know the tactics insurance companies will use to reduce or deny your claim. With the help of our attorneys, you won’t be stuck with a lowball offer; you’ll get everything you deserve.

These are just some of the ways a bus accident lawyer can help you through a personal injury claim. If you have been injured in a bus accident and want to speak with an attorney, contact us today.

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