alcohol glass with car keys

6 Things to Look for in a DUI Lawyer in Jackson TN

If you have been in a car accident involving a drunk or high driver, you may be looking for an attorney that specializes in personal injury law. But how do you decide which attorney to work with? There are certain character traits, practices, and experiences you should look for when trying to find the right lawyer to work with on your case, and we want to share the top ones with you. Here are 6 things to look for in a DUI lawyer in Jackson TN:

1. Experience in Personal Injury Law

The most important thing you need in an attorney is experience in personal injury law. Has this attorney worked on a DUI case before? Have they worked on any type of car accident claim in the past? You want someone who has these types of experiences under their belt because they know what they are doing compared to someone who has never worked in personal injury law before.

2. Understands Specific Area of Interest

Every area of law is specialized, and you want someone who knows exactly what they are doing on your team. You don’t want to work with someone who doesn’t know personal injury law when you’ve been injured in an accident because they won’t know the processes that need to be followed. Ideally, you want a DUI lawyer in Jackson TN who specializes in car accidents cases when you need to file a personal injury claim.

3. Someone You Get Along With

Before you choose a Jackson DUI attorney, you should interview several of them to find the right person to work with you. Not everyone works well together, and you may find someone who you get along with better than another attorney. It’s important to find someone you feel comfortable sharing every detail of your case with, because you will be spending quite a bit of time talking to them.

4. Great Communication Skills

In addition to finding someone that clicks with you, you will need to find a DUI lawyer in Jackson TN that has great communication skills. You don’t want to be left in the dark about your case, nor do you want to have to constantly check in with your attorney. Try to find someone who is prompt about getting back to you when you reach out. You should also consider how they contact you and if that is the best option for you.

5. Offers Free Case Review

lawyer talking with clientAn important practice you may not think about as being important is an attorney offering you a free case review. Most personal injury lawyers will meet with you for free to discuss your case. If someone tries to charge you for an initial meeting, they are probably not a worthwhile attorney you want to work with.

6. Works on a Contingency Fee Plan

Not only do you want to work with a Jackson DUI lawyer that offers a free case review, you’ll also want to work with one that will not charge you anything up front. Reputable personal injury lawyers will work with their clients based on a contingency fee, which means you don’t pay anything up front unless your attorney wins your case.

Find a DUI Lawyer in Jackson TN

Now you know what to look for in a DUI lawyer in Jackson TN when it comes to your personal injury case. If you have been involved in a car accident and want to file a claim, reach out to our lawyers, and we will be happy to set up a free case review to discuss the details of your case.

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