How Our 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers Can Help You
Every 16 minutes, someone in the United States will die or be injured in a trucking accident. If you or a loved one have been involved in a trucking accident, our 18 wheeler accident lawyers can help. We know that trying to figure out how to get fully compensated for your claim can be confusing and stressful, especially if you’re in pain from your injuries. Learn more about how our 18 wheeler accident lawyers can help.
1. Someone with Experience to Represent You
When you’ve been injured in a trucking accident, you need someone with experience to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your case. The 18 wheeler accident lawyers at The Law Office of Stephen A. Burroughs have years of experience handling these claims, so they know what needs to be done to maximize the value of your claim and give you the best chance of avoiding lengthy litigation.
Trucking companies and the companies that insure them have huge financial resources available to spend on defending claims against them, so you’ll want an experienced lawyer with extensive resources representing you in your personal injury case. These cases differ from typical automobile accidents because they involve a web of state and federal laws and regulations that must be reviewed and understood.
Truck drivers are required to follow strict regulations regarding things like weight, safety inspections, and hours on the road. These standards and regulations may have been violated in your accident and could serve as evidence against the truck driver. Our lawyers understand these special rules and regulations and have the experience necessary to handle complex trucking related accidents.
2. We Make Sure You Get the Compensation You Deserve
After you’ve been injured in an 18 wheeler accident, it’s our job to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Almost immediately after the crash, the trucking company will have a team of professionals working to obtain information from the drivers, photographs of the scene and vehicles involved, and they will also obtain police reports and other evidence. They put their team into action to work hard to try to deny your claim or reduce the amount that they ultimately have to pay you for compensation.
Do not delay in calling us, so that we can put our team to work gathering the available evidence that supports your claim and will help you get all of the compensation you deserve. We can also help you figure out if there was more to the story than just a simple mistake made by the truck driver. In addition, in trucking accidents, multiple parties could be held liable for your injuries. We help you determine all the parties who are liable and make sure you pursue full compensation from them all before the statute of limitations expires.
3. We Help You Recover Non-Economic Damages
It’s also important to keep in mind the non-economic damages that were caused by the trucking accident. There can be so much more than you are entitled to receive, other than just medical bills and lost wages. Depending on the facts of your case, you may also be entitled to be compensated for other damages such as pain and suffering, future lost wages, future medical expenses, future pain and suffering, disfigurement, permanent impairment, loss of earning capacity and loss of consortium, among others.
About The Law Office of Stephen A. Burroughs
Our experienced 18 wheeler accident lawyers are ready to fight for you. The best part is that you are not obligated to pay a penny for our services or any of the money we spend on your case expenses, unless and until we win your case. We can also help you resolve your property damage claims for no fee whatsoever. At The Law Office of Stephen A. Burroughs, our only obligation is to you. Our job is to protect your interests and make sure you receive the full value for your case.
We’re ready to help you collect the evidence you need to prove your case and protect your rights. Submit a free case review today to get started.