TN Auto Accident Attorney – What To Do If You Are in an Auto Accident
Even if you are a very defensive driver, there is still a chance that you may be involved in a serious automobile accident. There could be another person on the road that suddenly runs into the back of your car because he is driving recklessly. The physical and emotional pain of a car accident is something that will never be forgotten. Even though you are shaken up, there are steps you need to take after a car accident. Here is what you should do if you are in an auto accident:
Check for Injuries
The first thing you need to do after being in an auto accident is make neither yourself or the other people involved in the crash are injured. If anyone does sustain injuries, be sure you call 911 immediately to let them know someone has been injured.
Move the Vehicles to Safety
If the cars that are involved in the crash are able to be moved, clear them out of the roadways to make it easier for traffic to clear. However, if the car has sustained too much damage or is leaking fluids of any type, just leave the car where it is and wait for the authorities to get there.
Call 911
Whether your crash is just a fender bender or is more serious, it is best to always call the police so they can file the accident for insurance purposes. When you go to file a claim with you insurance, they will ask you if there was a police report, which can make filing a claim easier.
Exchange Information
Correctly exchanging contact information is extremely important when you are involved in an automobile accident. There are a few things you want to make sure are given to you when the other driver is at fault. First of all, make sure you are given the full name and contact information for the other driver. You will also want to make note of their insurance company and policy number so that you can follow up and make sure they filed a claim with their insurance. You will also be asked to provide a driver’s license and proof of registration. Once the authorities get to the scene, they will report those things on the police report.
Personal Injury Law and Compensation: Auto Accident Attorneys
The process of getting compensated for your pain and suffering can be quite tedious. However, when you have a reputable Knoxville auto accident attorney like Stephen A. Burroughs, this process is a lot easier. He has represented hundreds of clients. He puts his all into fighting for the rights of victims. He is even willing to put in extra hours to make sure that each one of his clients gets a fair case. Choose Stephen Burroughs as your Tennessee auto accident attorney, and you will be choosing the best personal injury lawyer for the job.
That is why you should call Stephen A. Burroughs, a Tennessee auto accident attorney. Mr. Burroughs is a qualified and experienced personal injury lawyer. If you have been injured in a car accident, please look at our Knoxville Tennessee auto accident attorney’s guide to exactly what you should do.