car crash

5 Things to Know About a Deposition for a Car Accident

During a personal injury case related to a car accident, you may be required to participate in a deposition. A deposition is a legal proceeding that takes place outside of court where a person or multiple people give sworn testimonies under oath in the presence of a court reporter and attorneys. The goal of the deposition is to clarify the facts of the case and assess the strength of the arguments of both sides before mediation or a trial. If you’ve never been in a deposition before, you may be wondering what you can expect. Here are 5 things you should know about a deposition for a car accident:

1. There are a lot of questions.

lawyer and clientDepositions are basically a question and answer session. The attorneys for both sides will ask all kinds of questions, including personal background information, accounts of the car accident, and injuries and medical treatments. Before the deposition, your lawyer will work with you to help prepare you for the questions the defendant’s attorney may ask.

2. It could take hours.

Just like with any personal injury case, the length of a deposition for a car accident varies depending on the case. If your case is more simple, a deposition could take about half an hour. If your case is more complicated, then the interview could take several hours.

3. The defendant’s attorney is looking at more than your answers.

lawyer and clientYou should never assume that the defendant’s attorney is only observing your answers to their questions. Lawyers will tell you they can gain valuable information on nonverbal cues, as well as your statement. The defendant’s attorney will be trying to determine your likability, temperament, and how believable you appear to be. If you don’t come across as believable or likable, the defendant’s attorney will make note of it and factor it into the analysis of the strength of your case.

4. The defendant’s attorney may ask seemingly irrelevant questions.

The defendant’s lawyer might ask questions that don’t seem relevant to your deposition for a car accident. The attorney doesn’t know a lot of information about you, so it is normal for their questions to seem random. For example, the defendant may claim that your injuries are from preexisting conditions and not from the car accident, so the lawyer may ask about previous injuries. If your attorney deems a question inappropriate, they will object.

5. There may be expert witnesses there.

lawyer with paperworkDuring depositions, it may not just be you and the defendant there to answer questions. Either of the lawyers may have called in medical experts or another type of expert to help their argument. Both lawyers will ask questions to help their cases and try to win in a trial.

These are only some of the things you should know about deposition for a car accident. If you have been in a car accident and want more information, contact one of our personal injury lawyers today.

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