brain doctor

Common Signs of Traumatic Brain Injuries to Look Out For

With so many different aspects of brain injury, there are a wide variety of symptoms that may appear post-trauma. It’s important that you keep an eye out for these symptoms, so you know when to consult a doctor and to recognize if and when the injury begins to worsen. Here are a few common signs of traumatic brain injuries to look out for:


1. Mild Symptoms


Physical Symptoms

headacheA wide range of physical effects may occur immediately or days and weeks following the accident. The most common include things like headaches, nausea and vomiting as well as fatigue or drowsiness. Other mild physical symptoms could include issues regarding speech or balance. If you notice consistent issues with any of these factors after an accident resulting in a head injury, call your doctor.

Sensory Symptoms

Brain injuries have also been known to mess with your senses, including sight, smell and taste. If you experience issues such as blurred vision, a constant ringing in your ears or a bad taste in your mouth, these can all be signs of trauma. Also, if you become overly sensitive to lights and sounds, you should consult a professional.

Cognitive, Behavioral and Mental Symptoms

The cognitive and mental signs of traumatic brain injuries can be the most alarming if consistent over a period of time. These symptoms include losing consciousness or living in a dazed or confused state, problems with memory, concentration and sleep, in addition to intense mood swings. You may also begin to feel depressed and anxious in your everyday life.


2. Moderate to Severe Symptoms


Physical Symptoms

brain scanThe physical symptoms of a more moderate or severe injury can occur within hours post-trauma. In addition to the mild symptoms, you may also experience convulsions or seizures, weakness or even numbness in your extremities and pupil dilation. If you see clear fluid coming from your nose or ears, this is another sign to consult a doctor.

Cognitive or Mental Symptoms

If you begin to feel constant agitation, combativeness or anger out of nowhere, this may have something to do with your injury. Make sure your loved ones are informing you if you begin to express behaviors unusual to your personality. In serious cases, there is a chance you could fall into prolonged unconsciousness or even a coma if your injuries are severe enough.


3. Common Symptoms in Children


kid head injuryBrain injuries can express themselves differently in children, and if the child is young enough, they may not be able to express how they’re feeling. Some signs to look out for in kids include changes in eating habits, persistent crying and loss of interest in toys, activities and people. Sometimes kids will suffer from seizures as a result of their injury, in which case you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the child is a little older and you can tell a difference in their personality, specifically being more depressed or sad, make sure to monitor their progress. If they continue to decline in mood, consult their physician.

Now that you know a little more about the signs of traumatic brain injuries that you need to look out for, you can begin monitoring you and your loved one’s progress post-injury. Do you have any questions regarding brain injuries or what the next steps are after you’ve been injured in an accident? Contact our lawyers today so one of our experienced team members can assist you in whatever way you need!

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